The Department of EEE organizes five days online Faculty Development Program on innovations in Electric vehicles, energy storage and Smart Grid Integration from 13/12/2021 to 17/12/2021

The Department of EEE organizes five days online Faculty Development Program on innovations in Electric vehicles, energy storage and Smart Grid Integration from 13/12/2021 to 17/12/2021

Department of EEE organized webinar on 4/12/2021

The Department of EEE organised an Alumni Talk on Career Guidance on 12.10.2021

The Department of EEE organised an Alumni Talk on Career Guidance on 12.10.2021

The Department of EEE organised a Webinar on Industrial Robotics and its Applications on 28.9.2021

The Department of EEE organised a Webinar on Industrial Robotics and its Applications on 28.9.2021

The Department of EEE conducted a Webinar on “IOT Opportunities for Startups” in association with IIC (Ministry of HRD Initiatives) on 24.09.2021 for our students.

The Department of EEE conducted a Webinar on “IOT Opportunities for Startups” in association with IIC (Ministry of HRD Initiatives) on 24.09.2021 for our students. Resource Persons :  1. Mr. E.Arun Kumar, Vice President. RETECH SOLUTIONS PVT.LTD.

Department of EEE conducted an Orientation Program for “Skill-Rack and Career Awareness” in association with IETE Student Forum, IEEE Student Branch and ISTE on 23.09.2021 for our students.

Department of EEE conducted an Orientation Program for “Skill-Rack and Career Awareness” in association with IETE Student Forum, IEEE Student Branch and ISTE on 23.09.2021 for our students.

The Department of EEE conducted a Webinar on “Exploring Trends and Techniques in Solar Panel Installation” in association with IEEE on 23.09.2021 for our students.

Department of EEE conducted a Webinar on “Exploring Trends and Techniques in Solar Panel Installation” in association with IEEE on 23.09.2021 for our students. Resource Persons : 1. Mr. R. Vishal Babu, Technical Engineer, York Renewables, Chennai.

Department of EEE Inaugurated Association of EEE & conducted a Guest Lecture on “Applications of Renewable Energy Systems” on 15.09.2021 for our students.

Department of EEE Inaugurated Association of EEE & conducted a Guest Lecture on “Applications of Renewable Energy Systems” on 15.09.2021 for our students. Resource Persons : 1. Dr. C. Umayal, Associate Professor, School of Electrical Engg., VIT, Chennai.

Department of EEE conducted a Webinar on “Product Development Phases – Story Telling” in association with IIC (Ministry of HRD Initiatives) on 08.09.2021 for our students.

Department of EEE conducted a Webinar on “Product Development Phases – Story Telling” in association with IIC (Ministry of HRD Initiatives) on 08.09.2021 for our students. Resource Persons: 1.Mr. R. Dinesh Kumar, Salesforce Engineering Lead, Byjus, Banglore.

Department of EEE conducted a Webinar on “An Outline of Disaster Management” in association with IEI Student Chapter, IEEE & ISTE on 08.09.2021 for our students.

Department of EEE conducted a Webinar on “An Outline of Disaster Management” in association with IEI Student Chapter, IEEE & ISTE on 08.09.2021 for our students. Resource Persons : 1. Mr. R. Vasudevan, Management Consultant & Corporate Trainer.