The Department of EEE organizes five days online Faculty Development Program on innovations in Electric vehicles, energy storage and Smart Grid Integration from 13/12/2021 to 17/12/2021
The Department of EEE organizes five days online Faculty Development Program on innovations in Electric vehicles, energy storage and Smart Grid Integration from 13/12/2021 to 17/12/2021
The Department of EEE organised an Alumni Talk on Career Guidance on 12.10.2021
The Department of EEE organised a Webinar on Industrial Robotics and its Applications on 28.9.2021
The Department of EEE conducted a Webinar on “IOT Opportunities for Startups” in association with IIC (Ministry of HRD Initiatives) on 24.09.2021 for our students. Resource Persons : 1. Mr. E.Arun Kumar, Vice President. RETECH SOLUTIONS PVT.LTD.
Department of EEE conducted an Orientation Program for “Skill-Rack and Career Awareness” in association with IETE Student Forum, IEEE Student Branch and ISTE on 23.09.2021 for our students.
Department of EEE conducted a Webinar on “Exploring Trends and Techniques in Solar Panel Installation” in association with IEEE on 23.09.2021 for our students. Resource Persons : 1. Mr. R. Vishal Babu, Technical Engineer, York Renewables, Chennai.
Department of EEE Inaugurated Association of EEE & conducted a Guest Lecture on “Applications of Renewable Energy Systems” on 15.09.2021 for our students. Resource Persons : 1. Dr. C. Umayal, Associate Professor, School of Electrical Engg., VIT, Chennai.
Department of EEE conducted a Webinar on “Product Development Phases – Story Telling” in association with IIC (Ministry of HRD Initiatives) on 08.09.2021 for our students. Resource Persons: 1.Mr. R. Dinesh Kumar, Salesforce Engineering Lead, Byjus, Banglore.
Department of EEE conducted a Webinar on “An Outline of Disaster Management” in association with IEI Student Chapter, IEEE & ISTE on 08.09.2021 for our students. Resource Persons : 1. Mr. R. Vasudevan, Management Consultant & Corporate Trainer.