Department of EEE conducted a Webinar on “An Introduction to E-Mobility” in association with MHRD, IIC and Energy Efficiency Club on 16.05.2020 for our students

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Department of EEE conducted a Webinar on “HVDC & THE CHANGING WORLD – RESKILLING THE NEW NORMAL” on 07.06.2020 for our students

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Department of EEE conducted a Webinar on “Protective Device for Industry and Utility” in association with IEI on 14.06.2020 for faculties and students of various Engineering Colleges.

Click here

Department of EEE conducted a Webinar on “Design, Control & Application of Autonomous Vehicles” (Motivation towards Technology Development in Industry 4.0) in association with MHRD and IIC on 13.05.2020 for our students.

Click here

Department of EEE conducted a Webinar on “AI for Embedded Systems” on 23.06.2020 for faculties and students of all engineering colleges.

Resource Persons : 1.Dr. Athif Shah, Chairman and Managing Director, ABE Semiconductor Design, Kanchipuram

Department of EEE conducted a Webinar on “Recent Trends in Power System Protection & Industrial Automation” in association with IEEE on 20.06.2020 for our students.

Resource Persons: Our Pride… Our Alumni… 1.Mr. Aakash Sankar, Associate Project Engineer, ABB Global Industries & Services Private Ltd.

Department of EEE in association with IEI Students Chapter and Foreview Technologies organized 3 days workshop on “PROTEUS and ARDUINO” from 17th to 19th Feb 2020.

Click here – Workshop on Proteus

One day workshop on “Innovation and Design thinking” dated : 16.12.2019, expert talk by Mr. E. Arunkumar, VP, Retech Solutions Pvt. Ltd

Click here – Workshop on innovation and Design thinking

Department of EEE organised one day Technical Lecture on “ Electric Vehicles” on 12.09.19 for II Year EEE students inagurated by Mr.M.Vignesh,Production Engineer,Prabha Auto Products Pvt.,Chennai

Department of EEE organised one day Technical Lecture on “ Electric Vehicles” on 12.09.19 for II Year EEE students inagurated by Mr.M.Vignesh,Production Engineer,Prabha Auto Products Pvt.,Chennai

EEE organised Project Expo 2019

Department of EEE organised Project Expo 2019 on 20.09.2019 inaugurated by Dr.S.Kumar,Assistant Executive Engineer,Metro Rail Protection CEDC West.