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Department of
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (EEE)
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044 - 2251 2111
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National / International Conference
Seminars / Workshops / Guest Lecture
BOS Members
Seminars / Workshops / Guest Lecture
Practical Approach to Mastering Load Flow Analysis on 29-10-2024
Organised Workshop on Role of SOC in Real Time applications on 28-10-2024
Organized Guest Lecture on Harnessing The sun: A Practical Guide to solar PV Installation on 25-10-2024
The EEE department organized webinar on Career Awarness and Higher Studies in Abroad on 25-09-2024
Organized A National level Technical symposium -ELECTRA 2K24 on 19-09-2024
Organized six days Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on Renewable Energy on 12-08-2024 to 17-08-2024
Association Inauguration and Guest Lecture on How to Build a Successful Career After Engineering, Organised on 14-08-2024
Workshop on Basic Objective and Values of the Indian Constitution organized on 08-08-2024
Bureau of Indian Standards Sponsored BIS Standard Club Event organized on 26-04-2024
Skillrack Awareness Program organized 10.00am, Venue: Simulation Lab on 12-04-2024
Seminar on Electric Vehicle organised on 10-04-2024
Orientation program for Nptel organized on 19-3-2024
Guest Lecture on Electrical CADD and Vehicle Wiring organised Venue :Smart class room on 06-03-2024
Department of EEE conducted a Guest Lecture on “Electrical CADD and Vehicle Wiring” on 06.03.2024.
Department of EEE conducted One day Workshop On Student Startups & Entrepreneurship on 13.2.2024
Workshop Venue Simulation lab on 21-12-2023
“Key Skills for Engineers” conducted in EEE department on 19.9.2023
IEEE Power and Energy society
Workshop on Empowering future: A Hands-on Guide to IOT and Cloud Integration for Smart Solutions Inauguration of Association of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Guest “Lecture on Smart India Hackathon 2023”
Orientation program on Sairam Innovation Eco System organized ,Venue Smart class room on 28-9-2023
Webinar on Energy Management
One day workshop on Industrial Electrical Automation
Guest Lecture on Renewable Energy& Opportunities
Webinar on Electric Vehicle and Smart Grid Interaction
Motivational talk on achieving problems – solution fit &product-market fit
Seminar on Latest Trends in Semiconductor Industry and Job prospects
Guest lecture on Design of MPPT solar Charge controller used in renewable energy Application
Motivational talk on Problem-Solution Fit and Product Market Fit on 28.2.2023
The Department of EEE conducted a Skillrack Awareness Program on 01.03.2023.
The Department of EEE conducted a BOOTCAMP series X Renewable Energy from 13.03.2023 and 14.03.2023
Department of EEE conducted a Seminar on “Latest Trends in Semiconductor Industry and Job Prospects” on 17.02.2023.
Department of EEE conducted a Guest Lecture on Design of Mppt Solar Charge Controller used in Renewable Energy Applications.” on 14.02.2023.
Department of EEE conducted a Workshop on Applications of Robotics on 31.01.2023.
YRC Orientation training program organized by Sri Sairam Institutions , Tambaram on 28/12/2022 . Inaugurated by Principal Dr.K.Porkumaran / SEC and Dr.K.Palanikumar / SIT. Chief Guest Pulavar R. Manickam, District Secretary IRCS, Chengalpattu District. Event Coordinators YRC POs Mr.P.Rathnavel and Mr.A.Kishore Babu & Team.. 200 YRC Volunteers participated enthusiastically.
“The Department of EEE conducted a Seminar in INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION in association with IEI , The Institution of Engineers (India) on 13.12.2022.
“Department of EEE conducted a Hands-on Training on Arduino on 30.11.2022”
“Department of EEE conducted a Motivational talk on “Entrepreneurship Develop Skills in Power Engineering” on 30.11.2022.
“Department of EEE conducted an Orientation Program on Skillrack & career Awareness on 25.11.2022.”
“Department of EEE conducted a Guest Lecture on Protection Schemes in Grid System on 26.11.2022.”
“Department of EEE conducted a National Level Tech Fest WARRO’S 2022 HELD ON 11.11.2022”
“Department of EEE conducted a Guest Lecture on SCADA in Power System on 17.11.2022”
Department of EEE conducted a AICTE TRAINING AND LEARNING (ATAL) ACADEMY SPONSORED TWO WEEK FDP on “Power Electronics applications to renewable energy systems, Electric vehicles and intelligent control”from 10.10.2022 to 21.10.2022, coordinator Dr.T.Muthamizhan
Workshop on Emerging Trends in Renewable Energy System conducted on 27.09.2022
The Department of EEE conducted a National Conference on “Innovative solutions in electrical engineering” on 30.03.2022 in association with IEEE Power and Energy society and IEI for our students.
The Department of EEE organised Guest Lecture on Industry Institute Knowledge transfer series on 25.03.2022
The Department of EEE is conducting a National conference “INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE (NCISEES’22)” on 30.03.2022.
National Science Day Celebration 2022
The Department of EEE organised webinar on International Higher Education on 12.01.2022
The Department of EEE organizes five days online Faculty Development Program on innovations in Electric vehicles, energy storage and Smart Grid Integration from 13/12/2021 to 17/12/2021
Department of EEE organized webinar on 4/12/2021
The Department of EEE organised an Alumni Talk on Career Guidance on 12.10.2021
The Department of EEE organised a Webinar on Industrial Robotics and its Applications on 28.9.2021
The Department of EEE conducted a Webinar on “IOT Opportunities for Startups” in association with IIC (Ministry of HRD Initiatives) on 24.09.2021 for our students.
Department of EEE conducted an Orientation Program for “Skill-Rack and Career Awareness” in association with IETE Student Forum, IEEE Student Branch and ISTE on 23.09.2021 for our students.
The Department of EEE conducted a Webinar on “Exploring Trends and Techniques in Solar Panel Installation” in association with IEEE on 23.09.2021 for our students.
Department of EEE Inaugurated Association of EEE & conducted a Guest Lecture on “Applications of Renewable Energy Systems” on 15.09.2021 for our students.
Department of EEE conducted a Webinar on “Product Development Phases – Story Telling” in association with IIC (Ministry of HRD Initiatives) on 08.09.2021 for our students.
Department of EEE conducted a Webinar on “An Outline of Disaster Management” in association with IEI Student Chapter, IEEE & ISTE on 08.09.2021 for our students.
The Department of EEE conducted a Guest Lecture on “Interrupts – 8085 Microprocessor” on 18.08.2021 in association with IEI (Kanceepuram Local Centre) for our students.
The Department of EEE conducted a Guest Lecture on “Interrupts – 8085 Microprocessor” on 18.08.2021 in association with IEI (Kanceepuram Local Centre) for our students.
Department of EEE conducted a Webinar on “Silicon Fabrication Technology and Application” in association with ISTE and IEEE on 12.06.2021 for our students.
The Department of EEE conducted a Webinar on “Past Present and Future of Sensor Technology in Robotics and Automation” on 26.02.2021 for our students.
The Department of EEE conducted a PROJECT EXPO – 2021 in association with IEEE on 02.06.2021 for our students.
The Department of EEE conducted a Webinar on “World Environment Day 2021 – Sustainability in Energy” in association with IEI Student Chapter on 05.06.2021 for our students.
The Department of EEE conducted a Webinar on “Hardware Design Lifecycle – Camera” in association with ISTE and IEEE on 22.05.2021 for our students.
The Department of EEE conducted a Webinar on “Supports Provided by Technology Business Incubator for Student Entrepreneurs” in association with IIC – MHRD on 14.05.2021 for our students.
Department of EEE conducted a Webinar Series on “Hardware Implementation of Electric Circuits” in association with IETE on 14.12.2020 for our students.
Department of EEE conducted a Webinar Series on “Real-Time Applications in Embedded System” in association with IEEE on 11.12.2020 for our students.
Department of EEE conducted a Webinar Series on “Entrepreneurship and Innovation as Career Opportunity” in association with IIC, MHRD on 16.11.2020 for our students.
Department of EEE conducted a Webinar Series on “Alternative Energy Solar and Solar PV” in association with IEI Chapter on 07.11.2020 for our students.
Department of EEE conducted a Webinar Series on “Wind Energy Assessment and Challenges” in association with IEEE Student Chapter on 10.11.2020 for our students.
Department of EEE conducted a Webinar on “Machine Vision and Industrial Automation” in association with IEEE on 06.06.2020 for our students.
Department of EEE conducted a Webinar Series on “ROLE OF MACHINE LEARNING AND OPTIMIZATION ALGORITHM IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING” in association with ISTE Chapter on 13.06.2020 and 14.06.2020 for our students
Department of EEE conducted a Webinar on “An Introduction to E-Mobility” in association with MHRD, IIC and Energy Efficiency Club on 16.05.2020 for our students
Department of EEE conducted a Webinar on “HVDC & THE CHANGING WORLD – RESKILLING THE NEW NORMAL” on 07.06.2020 for our students
Department of EEE conducted a Webinar on “Protective Device for Industry and Utility” in association with IEI on 14.06.2020 for faculties and students of various Engineering Colleges.
Department of EEE conducted a Webinar on “Design, Control & Application of Autonomous Vehicles” (Motivation towards Technology Development in Industry 4.0) in association with MHRD and IIC on 13.05.2020 for our students.
Department of EEE conducted a Webinar on “AI for Embedded Systems” on 23.06.2020 for faculties and students of all engineering colleges.
Department of EEE conducted a Webinar on “Recent Trends in Power System Protection & Industrial Automation” in association with IEEE on 20.06.2020 for our students.
Department of EEE in association with IEI Students Chapter and Foreview Technologies organized 3 days workshop on “PROTEUS and ARDUINO” from 17th to 19th Feb 2020.
One day workshop on “Innovation and Design thinking” dated : 16.12.2019, expert talk by Mr. E. Arunkumar, VP, Retech Solutions Pvt. Ltd
Department of EEE organised one day Technical Lecture on “ Electric Vehicles” on 12.09.19 for II Year EEE students inagurated by Mr.M.Vignesh,Production Engineer,Prabha Auto Products Pvt.,Chennai
EEE organised Project Expo 2019
Department of EEE inassociation with IETE Student Chapter and LEMA LABS(INCUBATED AT IIT MADRAS INCUBATION CELL) Organized “Two Days Workshop on IoT Applications on Smart Grid” on 05.03.19 and 06.03.19.
Department of Electrical and Electronics in association with ISTE student chapter and Live Wire organized two days workshop on ” Electrical System Analysis using ETAP ” On 25.02.2019 and 26.02.2019.
Department of EEE organized “IEI Sponsored One Day Technical Lecture on Provision of SCADA in Transmission and Distribution” on 18.03.2019 inaugurated by Dr.J.Balamurugan, Assistant Engineer, Electrical TNEB, TANGEDCO.
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, organizing a National Conference on NCISEES’19, on 22nd March, 2019.
One Day Technical Lecture on Energy Conservation on 12.02.2019″
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering in Association with Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development centre (IEDC) organising ” Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp (EAC) from 02.01.19 to 04.1.19.
Department of EEE in association with EMBware Technologies and Components Innovate Engineering Solutions organized Three Days Workshop on “Hands on Training on Arduino Based System Design” from 26.09.18 to 28.09.18.
Department of EEE in association with IQAC organized Guest Lecture on “Embedded Systems and IOT” on 25.09.18 by Mr.R.Ganapathy, Product Analyst and Promoter, EPR Lab.
Department of EEE organized Two Days Workshop on “Introduction to Electrical CADD” on 24.09.18 and 25.09.18.
Department of EEE in association with ISTE Student Chapter & SANDS organized Two Days Workshop on “REAL TIME EMBEDDED IOT IN ARMCORTEX MO+” on 19.09.18 and 20.09.18.
Department of EEE organized 10th National Level Technical Symposium WARROS’18 on 11.09.18 inaugurated by Dr.P.Kanagavel, Additional Director, National Institute of Wind Energy.
Department of EEE organized the Inaugural of Association of Electrical and Electronics Engineering and a Guest Lecture on Energy Conservation and Latest Trends in LED Lighting on 10.08.18 by Mr.Sahil Goyal, Director, Kwiklyte Luminaries Pvt Ltd., and Mr.V.Jothiramalingam, CEO, JK Enterprises – LED Light Manufacturing Unit.
Department of EEE Organized a Special Lecture on Energy conservation and Auditing by Energy Efficiency Club on 14.03.18
Dept of EEE, SIT in association with “The Institute of Engineers (India)”, Kancheepuram organized One Day National Seminar on “Integration and Challenges on Renewable Energy System” on 16.02.18.
Department of EEE organized “The Institution of Engineers (INDIA)” sponsored One day workshop on “An Overview of Substation Control System Engineering” by Mr.V.S.Sriraja Balaguru, Assistant Engineer/Electrical, TNEB, Chennai on 24.01.2018
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering organizes Five days workshop on “ORCAD-PSPICE and EMBEDDED SYSTEM-PLC” in association with LIVE WIRE SYSTEM and TECHNOCRAT AUTOMATION from 19.02.18 to 23.02.18. We feel it as a great pleasure in inviting you for the inaugural function scheduled in our college seminar hall on 19.2.18 at 9.30 am
Department of EEE organized Three Days Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp from 25.09.17 to 27.09.17 sponsored by National S&T Entrepreneurship Development Board(NSTEDB) inaugurated by Mr.M.Narayanan, Chief Manager, Central Bank of India, Pallavaram Branch.
Department of EEE organized a two days workshop in association with Pantech solutions on “Desing of Controllers using ARM7 and Raspberry pi” on 29.08.17 and 30.08.17
Department of EEE organized 9th National Level Technical Symposium on 24.08.2017 inaugurated by Dr. C. Sethuraman, Principal Scientist, CSIR.
Department of EEE inaugurated Safety Club on 11.08.17 by Mr.T.Selva kumar, Process Safety Consultant.
Department of EEE inaugurated Photography Club on 07.08.17 by Thiru.N.R.Vijayakumar, Assistant Director, Kollywood.
The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering proudly presents 9th National Level Technical Symposium “WARROS17” on 24th August 2017
Department of EEE organized ISTE students chapter Guest Lecture on “Recent Trends in Switchgear and Design of Substation” on 21.07.2017 by Mr.R.Surendhar ,Senior Design Engineer,ABB Global Industries and Services Ltd., Chennai.
Department of EEE organized Youth Red Cross-“Disaster Management Awareness Program” on 14.07.17 by Thiru.K.Palanivel,Secretary,IRCS-Aminjikarai sub Branch and Thiru.K.Lawrence,Disaster Management and First Aid Trainer, IRCS, Tamilnadu Branch.
Department of EEE organized IEI students chapter workshop on “Hands on Training on Arduino Based System Design” from 04.07.17 to 06.07.17
Department of EEE organized IEEE students chapter and in association with Live wire ,workshop on “An overview of AutoCAD Electrical” on 28.06.17 and 29.06.17
Department of EEE organized seminar on Electrical Design Software on 27.07.14
Department of EEE organized a guest lecture on “Recent trends in solid state drives” on 14/03/2017 by Dr.G.Ezhilarasan , Professor Department of EEE,Saveetha University, Chennai.
Department of EEE organized Seminar on Higher Studies by TIME on 27.02.17.
National / International Conference
Seminars / Workshops / Guest Lecture
Video Lecture
The Department of EEE conducted a Webinar on “World Environment Day 2021 – Sustainability in Energy” in association with IEI Student Chapter on 05.06.2021 for our students.
The Department of EEE conducted a PROJECT EXPO – 2021 in association with IEEE on 02.06.2021 for our students.
The Art of Writing of Research Article (NDLI)
Workshop on Empowering future: A Hands-on Guide to IOT and Cloud Integration for Smart Solutions Inauguration of Association of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
IEEE Power and Energy society
“Key Skills for Engineers” conducted in EEE department on 19.9.2023
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