Course offered

Sl.noName Of The FacultyNature Of The Program Attended (FDP)Name Of The FDPDurationFrom DateEnd DateOrganizing Institution
1Mr.L.VijayarajaATAL FDPPower Electronics
applications to renewableEnergy systems, Electric vehicle and Intelligent Control
8 days2022-10-102022-10-17-Sri Sairam Institute of
2Dr.M.Jagadeesh KumarATAL FDPPower Electronics applications to renewable Energy systems, Electric vehicle and Intelligent Control8 days2022-10-102022-10-17-Sri Sairam Institute of
3Dr.M.Jagadeesh KumarFDPRecent Advancement in power systems6 days28.11.20223.12.2022Godavari Institute of Engineering
4Dr.M.Jagadeesh KumarFDPControl Engineering in Electric Vehicle6 days7.2.202212.2.2022SRM TRP Engineering College
5Dr.M.Jagadeesh KumarATAL FDPAccrediation And Outcome Based Pedagogic
Principles For Effective Teaching
11 days2022-11-2022-11-21-Academy Of Maritime
6Dr.M.Jagadeesh KumarATAL FDPIntegration of Renewable Energy Technology for Smart Ships and Hands-on Training in Solar System
Design Using Simulation Software
11 days2022-10-2022-11-07-Academy Of Maritime
7Dr.M.Jagadeesh KumarFDPRecent Trends
in Electric Vehicles
5 days25.07.202229.07.2022PSN college of Engineering and Technology
8Mrs.G.EzhilarasiWorkshopArt Of Academic Writing2 days29.8.202230.8.2022Maharani Kasiswari College
9Dr.S.SivarajeswariATAL FDPIntegration of Renewable Energy Technology for Smart Ships and Hands-on Training in Solar System
Design Using Simulation Software
11 days2022-10-2022-11-07-Academy Of Maritime
10Dr.E.MaheswariATAL FDPPower Electronics applications to renewable Energy systems, Electric vehicle and Intelligent Control8 days2022-10-102022-10-17-Sri Sairam Institute of
11Dr.E.MaheswariFDPRenewable Energy Systems Laboratory4 days26.9.202229.9.2022SSN college of Engineering
12Dr.E.MaheswariFDPPhysics of Renewable Energy Systems12 weeksJul-Oct 2022NPTEL
13Mr.R.DhanasekarATAL FDPIntegration of Renewable Energy Technology for Smart Ships and Hands-on Training in Solar System11 days2022-10-2022-11-07-Academy Of Maritime
14Mr.A.AnbazhaganComputer Vision and Natural Language Processing14 days8.8.202218.8.2022Easwari Engineering College
15Mr.A.AnbazhaganFDPIndustry 4.0-3.11.2022-SKILL-LYNC
16Mr.A.AnbazhaganMater classJava30 days1.9.202230.9.2022Pantech Solutions
17Mr.A.AnbazhaganFDPRenewable Energy Systems Laboratory4 days26.9.202229.9.2022SSN college of Engineering
18Mrs.G.EzhilarasiFDPRenewable Energy Systems Laboratory’4 days26.9.202229.9.2022SSN college of Engineering
19Mrs.G.EzhilarasiFDPIntroduction to Internet of Things12 weeksJul-Oct- 2022-NPTEL